Re: Yelmic Style Temple

From: contracycle <gamartin_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 12:38:46 -0000

> 6) Objection: Both Lunars and Lunars are Urban Inhabitants living
> each independent City States, so the matter should be more
> reconsidered for their more familiarity to western "Europian" style
> than eastern "Oriental" style.

Hmm, maybe, although it might map quite well to the old Egyptian cities... along a river... Vertical monoliths interpreted as "frozen light" of the sun, monumental statuary, slab-sided temple structures. And at least in the predynastic period its probable that the "egyptian state" as it comes to be is the synthesis of a number of cities and their native gods - osiris, horus, seth.

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