Re: Re: Praxian songs

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 08:25:59 -0600

I always thought that the Praxians would sing like "Hun Huur Tu" (Tuvan throat singing). These are the songs of Asian nomads, kind of eerie and supernatural (although there's one guy who sounds like Popeye on crack).


Snip a number of excellent songs

Reminds me of a little ditty that used to be sung regularly during an old praxian campaign from my past

To the tune of "My old Man"

Praxian welcome song, to be sung to all non Praxians and Pol Joni.

My old man said your not a Praxian
So P**s off B*****S You're a C***

repeat ad nauseam

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