Colymar maps query

From: Michael Schwartz <mschwartz_at_...>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 14:50:10 -0500

Hey folks,

A few questions came to mind whilst I was comparing the three Colymar maps from the Issaries website. My query mainly focusses on ColymarPlaces.jpg:

First, just south of the Swan River and west of Swanton, there is what appears to be an X next to a badly blurred word which I believe says "Taral". Is this the site of the fateful battle between the Lonisi and the combined Varmandi and Hiording forces? Is there a current or former settlement after which the battle site was named, or is the site named solely for the battle?

Second, at both the northernmost tip of the Upper Starfire Ridge and in the heart of Stael's Hills, there are separate small collections of three dots. From "Genertela: Crucible of the Hero Wars", this symbol denoted ruins. What might be known about these particular ruins, if anything? Do they have names? From whence do they date? The one in Stael's Hills appears to be on either Taraling or Orleving lands, while the one near the Upper Starfire Ridge appears to be on Enhyli or Hiording lands. Is the ownership of either site contested, and was either ruin originally held by the Lonisi prior to the Taral War?

Third, about halfway between the battle site noted above and Swanton, there is what appears to be a dragonewt rune. I presume this denotes the location of the dragonewt plinth which is in hex 3023 of the Dragon Pass boardgame map. On whose lands does it currently lay, and did it originally lay on Lonisi lands prior to the Taral War?

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Michael Richard Schwartz | Language is my playground,
mschwartz_at_... | and words, its slides and
Ann Arbor, Michigan  USA | swingsets. -- yours truly

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