Re: Myth is not truth

From: Michael Schwartz <mschwartz_at_...>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 17:40:52 -0500

According to the American Heritage Dictionary:

myth (mith) n.

  1.a. A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the world view of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society.

    b. Such stories considered as a group.

  2. A story, a theme, an object, or a character regarded as embodying an aspect of a culture.

Morgan obviously doesn't consider primary definitions as valid, nor does he appear to have perused much Carl Jung and/or Joseph Campbell.

Michael Richard Schwartz | Language is my playground,
mschwartz_at_... | and words, its slides and
Ann Arbor, Michigan  USA | swingsets. -- yours truly

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