Re: [OpenHeroQuest] Re: [HeroQuest-RPG] Bummer

From: Moah, platypus powaaa! <moah_at_87cDML6OmDNH3PVZ3Q82saI0WLZ6bfmcaL4Hv4C7vqZ-4WPRJA_bdMVndUsDIrmtNSJKS3z>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 17:17:44 +0200

Stewart Stansfield wrote:

> But seriously there are a couple of alterations that would probably
> make it a little more palatable in your view... Indeed, there are
> many CONAN-specific tidbits which are great fun. Nevertheless, it was
> a huge shock approaching it from the HeroQuest view of things, not
> least of all with respect to the relative lack of flexibility and
> number of context-specific rules in d20.

Probably. But with enough changes, it's not d20 anymore ;) The thing i appreciate with d20 is that, since everyone uses it anymore cause they wouldn't want to be caught dead with an ounce of originality on them, once you know the basics, you can easily adept a plethora of worlds to your favourite system.

> It also triggered the first 'high spam count' [***SPAM***] message on
> my freeserve mail that I've ever received, courtesy of a post of
> character descriptions to a rpg Smartgroup. Note to self: next time,
> go easy on the 'ivory bosoms'.

Sounds like a character I'd like to meet ;)

Moah, platypus powaaa!            

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