Re: Cockney

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_ZjII_-JbAuPre_TD1Z_4sScW_MUwXMXfiahcWR2Rr6fH2MCurKFOFJxorf3FJ>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 10:18:33 -0000

> > wooden-it-be-lurveley cockney orcs.

> I would not have been surprised if the orcs had said something
like, "ooooh,
> I cud murder a nice cuppa tea guv. I'm not goin' West of Osgiliath
at this
> time o night mate!. "

On that note, I feel sorry for the West Country folk (strange as it seems, but having lived in Brizzle for three years...). They always seem to get co-opted as the basis of accent for any kind of inbred subservient dunce in films like this (like Sam). England's favourite rural Rednecks, with "Squeal like a combyyyne 'arrrrrr-vester, me boy" while someone's Morris Dancing in the background.

I was highly impressed, however, that the thieving Merry was portrayed by a scally Manc. "'Ere, Frow-do man, yer wan' sum Whizz?" In fact, two Mancs amongst the Rohirrim was fair going for the rainy city, methinks.



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