
From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_uxfrnqTQQzmXo60B7jSyrcbW2h1_ClqY4fxQXU9ZPghPo6Vk6loxg-cuMDk23>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 20:04:36 -0000

In HQ-RPG, Nick wrote:

<<Our friend Simon Hibbs was probably flashing back to "Warlord" -- and its ilk, of course -- when he reminisced (at a bygone Tentacles) that every German phrase he'd learned as a child seemed to end with the word "Dakka-dakka-dakka!">>

One of the most bizarre experiences of my life came in 2001, when I went to Munich for a short academic course. One evening I was in my nice little hotel on Amalienstrasse, watching the telly, when on came...

...'Battle of Britain' (1969).

Dubbed into German.

Having grown up on a diet of Commando comics, watching spiffing chaps* parading around the airfields and skies in their Hurricanes and Spitfires -- all whilst bantering Teutonic chatter -- was a truly surreal event.

[*as portrayed Michael Caine, Edward Fox, Trevor Howard, Larry Olivier, Christopher Plummer, Kenneth More, Robert Shaw, and, yes... Ian McShane]

I can't remember if Michael Caine did actually cry "Achtung!" or "Schnell!" or "Gott in Himmel!" instead of RAF banter, but it was close enough and I well and truly trod on my stumps.



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