Re: Bull-Turtle's-Head.

From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_mjRpfie8yK4hSdoVPH81VDjQoAx6sL8hetGaoqhQqXb27Ip2oW0uoX19LWdOsys1>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 16:47:16 -0800 (PST)

> Daniel, you've been up too late. Think about it. You'd have torn down everything for the next
> architectural fad anyway, if we hadn't burnt it. This way, you actually saved the White House out
> of pique. Think what a montrosity you could have got in its place!

Wait, you're saying that you "saved" it by burning it down? Shall we argue about what the definition of "is" is? Maybe you drank some of what Daniel had?


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