Re: In Defence Of A Goat

From: samclau_at_cgRcPMr9X4iKgSIFrNUn-H9BRkqesbigTm6dgr5wMYFAYwz5pK8kFKV2R3p2HDh3p7Cq
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 17:44:37 -0300

> That sounds really BORING. We're not playing SIMS the RPG either, are we?

Personally, I think Ernaldans are great. Especially cantankerous Ernaldans, stroppy slap-happy Ernaldans and dotty Ernaldans. Vinga can tend to seem a bit...earnest. That's why Vingans have chainmail bikinis now, to spice them up a bit.

Sure some of the feats can be a bit hard to work with but the worst for that, IMO, is Humakt. (Typical feats: Kill stuff / Kill stuff really gruesomly / Kill zombies / Kill skellies / Kill vampires / Kill stuff with a big sword / Kill stuff and don't let it come back to life again / Promise to kill stuff / Make someone else promise to kill stuff / Kill someone who breaks his promise / Kill undead / Chop heads off / Chop zombie heads off / Make sword good at killing stuff / Pickle testicles)


p.s. I think an Ernaldan feat slipped in there but I'm not quite sure which.

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