Is it really all about pointed sticks?

From: Mark Galeotti <markgaleotti_at_rIxaM3Tz6MATxMwsrz3v18h_eRjeA_TJqzxWiAfDX3mWlNipiaYTnUZaH8iJ9aa>
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 21:38:05 -0000


The debate on Vinga/Ernalda very often seems to come down to a notion that the latter is boring for PCs. I'm quite surprised, although I imagine it simply demonstrates my greater maturity and sophistication of intellect (I know, I've been neglecting my Immod etiquette of late). My oldest and still most fun HQ character is Eorkan the Issaries trader. After years and years of on-off play, he is rich, has a wide range of strange contacts and stranger abilities... and his Staff Fighting has finally reached the heady heights of 20. Looking through my other characters, there is a fair contingent of warriors, from Mid Lei of the Most Unfortunate Conjuctions, the cashiered Kralori Imperial Guardsman, to that Safelstran gigoloduellist  Malaspina ("the Magnificent", he invariably adds). However, an equal number are decidely non-combat, from Zampo Zamp the (ig) noble Rinliddi remittance man and bird-watcher to Smiling Shura Pirisshin, the ingratiating and thoroughly irritating Holayan 'street entreprenoor.' Whether adventuring in Pavis or getting caught in the middle of the wars in Dragon Pass, there really is a great deal to do for non-combatants -- which doesn't just mean binding the warriors' wounds and making the tea.

Isn't there?

All the best


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