Re:AW: Vedr. Re: In Defence Of A Goddess - A

From: Michael Hitchens <michaelh_at_BNpFpFoZgkA3LI4IsPEnwqnesd5v73ueA63pItyayyPH0TBe4ZNs1ByyssUUh2WfCQv>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 12:23:27 +1000 (EST)

On Tue, 8 May 2007, Jeff Richard wrote:

> No, I am saying Ernaldans deserve respect because they have a lot of
> magical power and they worship one of the primal gods of Glorantha.
> And if you are playing Heroquest or Pendragon Pass, you no longer are
> using a rules system that only models violence or success/failure with
> skills and should be able to create dramatic tension around events
> other than smashing things.

I have no problem with this, but why, if a female PC wants to be able to smahsh things, is life made ahrder for her thana male PC?


Dr. Michael Hitchens
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing Macquarie University            

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