Re: Disturbance at the Heron House

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_9rrttTF2EH-sbBZyOl0nwVi6Gl5WfC2q8PdbEl8PmJYuoEf-u1cYjgPDy6E3K>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 11:33:41 -0000

It adds a certain amount of authenticity when we base gaming cultures on real world culture. The inexorable shift to an Icelandic/ Viking view of the world has not translated into my games, other than the names perhaps. Mostly I tend toward a more celtic/ Iron Age Briton type view of the nearest earthly analogue.

Also, for the purposes of a role playing game I agree making yet another culture insist that female warriors are completely bonkers, just because they may happen to have actually been historically or are now.

The only reasonable defence I think that Greg and the others can offer is that essentially Glorantha was not created to serve a roleplaying games needs.

But then that does mark a point where the world becomes actually less appealing to me at least. For a culture that is played by female roleplayers, I am still more than suprised by the line that some are taking re one of the only (if not the only) warrior cult for women who are not written as out and out lunies (such as Babs Gor).

She may of course not be an important goddess in Gloranthan cosmology, but I am sure that players with characters who are Vingan feel that she is, to them at least.


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