Re: Orlanth is a Toilet

From: Jimbruce <john.hughes_at_-3QLSaS9CDT0XnU1Hw2e-nzO5gQsXHD4kmkSb5uSkJTNRGrbolUPAjqb_XE6rnx->
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 01:15:35 -0000

RRR cuts through the fog...

A geas for those minority of Vingans who are warband warriors? How simple, elegant, and uncontroversial. I don't know what your mowing's like, but you make a great series editor.

YES! This eliminates all the essentialist/possibly sexist shit and requires no major demolition of quite-healthy existing player cults and characters. Its also what nearly all vingans are doing already.

Well Doh...

As to the toilet thing, 98% of all toilets are unisex. They're in homes. Go mow another field or four.


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