Re: Re: History of the Heortling Peoples

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_9tqWbe-SHVdXC4JOwqOjLcQTUZ9Qf-7TL-tZICQlKIoLZjrjDVt6aTx8PCm9EM0DqxE>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 23:27:07 +1200

At 11:05 p.m. 15/06/2007, you wrote:

>I hear that the new understanding is that the Hendrekei are almost
>exactly the same as their northern cousins, and in fact, have
>resisted any form of cultural crossover with the western influenced
>town dwellers.

This may be so but it's awfully difficult to suss it out from the HotHP. The Hendreiki that follow Broyan have resisted but they are Volsaxi rather than Hendreiki (ie they are only a subset). The Jodalarings and the Hurlantings on the other hand have accepted Belintar's reforms to some extent while the Esvularings accepted them whole-handedly.

And the scope of Belintar's reforms? He's imposing the governmental and administrative structure of the Middle Sea Empire (although it doesn't take very well in Esrolia).

>Does it reveal why Broyan is considered HIgh King? Or is that still
>just coz he knows how to summon the bridge to the city of wonders?

Broyan has enthroned himself with the sword and helm of Vingkot at Whitewall which makes him a bona fide High King in the tradition of Hardrad the Green (who ruled from 1340 to 1357). However the line of High Kings dies out in 1460 and the Volsaxi become bitches of the Kitori until Tarkalor frees them. What happens _after_ Tarkalor frees them but _before_ Broyan crowns himself is left not given. My suspicion is that the Volsaxi were in the same position viz-a-viz old Sartar as the Farpoint tribes were.

As for Broyan having the keys to the City of Wonders, there's no indication of how he came to have that nor is there any idea of why it was a bad thing for him to give it up to Harrek the Berserk.

--Peter Metcalfe            

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