Re: Pingpongo the Nose Picker vs Britney Pilums

From: Paolo Guccione <p.guccione_at_Al6A2p3BsHIA_Co9jyelM1WhqpqwAWsS1BLIKty09vq-72Xi3pdG_uWr9YcCX2O5L>
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 11:46:46 -0000

Actually, you can have as many subcults/aspects as you like now. The point is that you need not have them as your main deity, as you are now free to make up the affinities your character actually has. Using the above example again, you as a Lunar character can be an worshipper of, say, Deezola as embodyment of Eartha and Harmony, but also use up one of your rune affinities to worship one particular aspect of Britney Pilums. In this case I would suggest her mammary aspect over her musical one.            

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