Re: THane Hireing

From: KYER, JEFFREY <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 09:58:12 -0400

Wulf Corbett wrote:
> > How do you hire Thanes?
> Go to the Clan screen, and click on 'Weaponthanes'. A menu will pop
> up allowing you to choose the number and source of your hired
> thugs ... erm ... loyal warriors. The maximum is severely limited,
> probably by a number of things, but notably by the number of suitable
> horses you have. I say 'suitable' horses, as I have never had as many
> Weaponthanes as I have horses to trade, but I am frequently told I
> need more horses before I can hire more Weaponthanes!
> Wulf

Your nobles have to have horses too. That's why they are nobles!


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