Re: Can't get new Weaponthanes

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 06:55:58 -0700 (PDT)

Most likely you are short of horses. You need one horse for every weaponthane, and roughly one horse for every noble (the manual says one, but I seem to recall being able to recruit one or two new thanes when my horses were just a shade below nobles + thanes).

You have a few options. Trading for horses is something you should probably do for sure. Also, save some extra magic points, and the next time the horse spawn come raiding blow a couple of extra points, use any combat treasures, and basically throw everything you can at them, and hopefully you will defeat them and capture some of their horses.

General strategy says:
- When you are weak, don't choose the "kill as many as possible" option as it seems to result in more deaths for your clan as well.
- As fast as you can, get Elmal's Steadfast (helps you defend) and/or shield (helps protect your thanes) blessings in place. Better yet is the Elmal heroquest to get his aid when you are attacked, but you may or may not be able to do that easily. Any of these will lower your casualties.
- Get other war blessings in place. You will lose less people if you win, and will often lose none if you win decisevely. A lot of people like Orlanth's Thunderstone in combination with Odayla's Trueshot, then picking skirmish as your battle tactics. Otherwise, almost any of Humakt's blessings, and Orlanth's lightning all help.
- Make sure you have your highest skill fighter on the ring as your war leader (same theory as the last point)
- Make sure you have a Challana Arroy shrine, and know the healing blessing, and don't be afraid to sacrifice to get people healed up.

Good luck.

--- Jarec Basham <jarec_at_...> wrote:
> What am I doing wrong.
> Most of my Weaponthanes are either dead or wounded
> and when I try to
> recruite more I can't. What are the criteria for
> being able to
> recruit new ones.
> It's not my fault honest, I keep getting attacked.
> Jarec

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