Re: guidance on Heroquests

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:29:17 -0800

James and Corinne

>Is simply having a lot of clan magic a "good thing" in general, even if

Yes. (I think this is even in the manual...) They can be considered to represent your luck in general. Which is why they go down in certain scenes (you use up your luck).

>One of the things we have -no- feel for yet is how hard or easy
>the various quests are.

None are easy -- there is always the chance of failure. I believe Elmal and Uralda are the hardest.


>some games just seem to be more afflicted with bandits than others do

Harder games are. I don't recall there's any randomness here.

>One of the few things I would like added to the game
>is something that let you take an active role in
>lowering bandit activity.

Distant exploration has a chance of reducing banditry threat -- the idea being your explorers root out some bandit hideouts.


>one of those
>annoying-but-helpful reminders popped up. This one said something along the
>lines of "We have not sent any explorers out in a long time. Even
>if they were
>unable to find anything helpful, explorers at least keep bandits away from our
>tula." I suspect this means exploring your OWN tula keeps the
>bandits away (by
>finding their lairs and flushing them out).

Your own tula is patrolled so it's not where bandits would choose to live.

I'm glad someone pays attention to the reminders, we did try to put explanatory stuff like this in them.

David Dunham     A Sharp     david_at_...
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