Re: enemies, treasures

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 08:11:22 -0800 (PST)

One handy trick is this: If the talking fox shows up insisting that you don't clear any land, agree. Then immediately (or quite soon), call in favor or two then attack whipping-boy clan as hard as you can (blow magic points, use treasure), with the objective to sieze some of their land. A lot of that will be fields and pasture land, so suddenly you have more than enough land to not clear any for five years. You can also use this if you absorb another clan and suddenly need lots more space.

As an aside, I've never had my ancestors get mad at me for making peace with an enemy. Are you sure you didn't do something friendly towards your true ancestral enemy by accident that annoyed them? If it was for making peace from the feud, I'd love to know more about what the ancestors complained about.
> >
> > Orlanth's Rattle is one of the very few "Pay
> anything for this"
> > treasures
> >in the game for me.

I've been playing this game for about a year now, and I have yet to even have a chance to buy it! Grrrr....*must*keep*playing*

By the way, how many treasures do other people usually end up with by the end of short or long game? I have the sneeking suspicion that I'm not chasing treasures as hard as I'm "supposed" to, but I'd like a point of comparison.

(Another is the Shifting
> Statue, and the Scarf of the
> >Seven Somethings, and Ernalda's Oven)

Ernalda's oven? Isn't that the one that saves on food by making some loaves from almost no grain? Why is this one so valuable? (At least in my games, after the first few years food is usually the one thing we have more than enough of)
> I
> usually pick the
> > Praxians as
> >my ancient enemy - I need to keep my defences up,
> but they've never been a
> >credible threat otherwise. In comparison to the
> damage the killing
> >winters or
> >floods can do, I see this as a bargain.

Ack, the one time I took the Praxians as my ancient enemy they hit us hard twice early in the game and all but wiped us off the map! Perhaps I should try them again, and focus more of our early resourced on building fortifications.....there is little worse than not having built anything but a watchtower, then having the praxians evade your patrols and maul you, and then have the horse nomads hit right afterwards before you've recovered.

As to the winter and sea as enemies, they both have hidden benefits. The floods are very damaging, true, but if you are generous to your neighbours it does wonders for your relations with them (and if your agriculture is good the flood damage isn't so lethal after the first few years). And with the winter as your enemy you have the chance of raiding during dark season (and you very often evade patrols, and you get magic if it succeeds), as well as you can gain magic from killing the ice demons. With the winter as my enemy, summons of evil is almost my stock preparation for heroquests, since the extra few magic points can help immensely.

> Almost got the ducks into our tribe once, but when
> we told them they needed
> to give every other clan 15 goods in bribes, they
> got mad. 8(

I've gotten them into the tribe once, and sort of into it a couple of times (one of those cool detail bits in the game--one particular clan, if it is in your tribe, will change how this event plays out. Pretty cool, eh?)
> > > > As far as I'm aware, you lose a single
> warrior (carl or
> > > >cottar), not a weaponthane or noble. I don't
> mind the Raven Banner as
> > > >much as the ones that can disappear after use,
> such as the Burning
> > > >Standard.

In my experience you lose a weaponthane....and at least a third of the time (possibly as high as a half), none of the weaponthanes will carry it, and you either have to sacrifice a ring member or not use it after all. This can be worthwile when you have an elder on the ring that you were thinking of replacing soon (OK, highly cynical, but worthwile all the same).  I think it may hit your weaponthane morale too. I don't like using the banner, but I fear anyone else having it, so we frequently either trade it away during the Issaries quest, or contribute it to the tribal regalia.


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