Re: Re: disappearing treasures/regalia; sheep; Raven Banner

From: dharper_at_...
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:53:40 -0500 (EST)

Quoting David Dunham <david_at_...>:

> Yup, sometimes divinations are correct :-)


> I've never run out of sheep in a game I've won. Yes, blessings are
> good, but you don't need to have every temple built to win the game.
> (I know nobody believes this...)

     I've never run out of sheep, but I have noticed a definite trend towards them going down in the games I've played without the patch. Specifically, after building a mere handful of shrines, the news would always be five or six fewer sheep than the year before. Which isn't so bad - I figured my traders could always balance it out, although I'd never have enough sheep to consider slaughtering them.

     A few years into this stable pattern, my sheep caught a sickness and 300 (of 1200) died. At this point, I figured it was only going to get worse...that's the problem, I think.

     Actually, even in games with thousands of sheep and over 1,000 people, I don't build many temples; great temples especially don't seem worth it except in rare cases (such as having the Silver Tongue). I usually end up with temples only to Humakt, Issaries, Orlanth, Elmal, and sometimes Lhankor Mhy, and usually no great temples at all - which by itself still implies the slaughter of hundreds of animals a year. On the other hand, I'll build shrines to just about every deity in existence - they're cheap, they give a variety of different effects and they appear to appease the gods.

> >What I don't understand is what the regalia are, and what they do, if
> >they're not treasures. Will you lose status if you don't get them back?
> >Magic? Your ancestors will be displeased? What?
> They are various venerated objects. Could be actual items owned by
> the clan founder, magic items no one remembers how to use, things of
> historic value (the door-pillars from the first clan hall), etc. Or
> just items that bring a little luck (note that clan magic goes down
> when the regalia is lost).

     Thank you, David. They're not mentioned anywhere that I can find, and so I kept wondering if it meant that they had stolen treasures or not. I'm increasingly finding the world of Glorantha to be an interesting setting.


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