Re: Absent minded god-talkers?

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 19:21:13 +0000

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:00:13 -0500 (EST), dharper_at_... wrote:

>God-Talkers/Nobles = The leaders of the clan, from which are chosen the
>chieftain, lawspeaker, war leader, poet, clan trader, and other prestigious
>positions. These people are also the most strongly magical - in Orlanthi
>society the only acceptable form of magic is worship of the gods. There
>appears to be other kinds of magic such as Sorcery and Spirit-talking, but I
>don't know much about either.

Sorcery is completely no-no in Orlanthi society. Soul-sucking, inherently evilly, even-most-Lunars-ain't-that-bad no-no.

Spirit-Talkers/Shaman (same thing) are on the periphery of Orlanthi society. Usually literally, living out in the woods, up in the mountains, etc. They deal with spirits, not gods, so technically they are not really Orlanthi - they don't worship Orlanth, or any other god. However, some few (the ones who visit to sell stuff) accept Orlanth as the head guy. Those who do are called Spirit-Talkers, those who don't are called Shamans (or targets).


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