Re: Do you find certain Heroquests more difficult than others?

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 05:54:38 -0800 (PST)

Certainly the nature of the clan matters. I often play Elmali clans (steadfast and sun is a nice mix of starting blessings, and generally I like to play a defensive style), in which case the Elmal quest is usually the first one that I rattle off--for Elmal's help when you are attacked (five years of awesome defensive prowess really lets you stabalize).

Anyways, my tips for the Elmal quest:
- obviously sacrifice to Elmal in the preceding year. - strengthen your fortifications in teh preceding year (I'm pretty sure this helps)
- strengthen your patrols before the quest (don't know if this helps, but it might)
- try to arrange to have someone attack you in the year preceding the quest (again don't know if it helps, but it might). - Your quester needs some combat ability (to defeat the monsters), but more critical is decent magic (to heal himself) and decent custom (so he doesn't get seduced by the teller of lies). Having fair or no custom skill seems to lead to a very high chance of failing at the end.  I find that it isn't so much a matter of being exceptional at one skill, as being not bad at all three (and if marginal, the quest to strengthen the quester is pretty sweet). - sacrificing horses does seem to help (unlike the uralda quest, where sacrificing cows seems of little or no benefit).

Thank you for the tip about not having any support for Urox when doing the Uralda quest. That is probably the trick that I was missing, I almost always have an Urox shrine running detect chaos fairly early on.

Interesting that you use Uralda quest to keep your cows up when running an ernalda clan--I usually find that I do the ernalda quest so frequently that it helps give me enough boost to my cattle (I typically run it to boost crops in the first bad crop year, often run it to strengthen the quester, so that I have one ring member who can be chief and good at plants, and then run it to make the cows healthy when I get a chance). I find it fascinating how the game is so well balanced that there are so many viable strategies!


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