Re: Pasture: Sheeps, Cattle, and Pigs

From: suportgiathainguyen <giathainguyen_at_...>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 15:57:30 -0000


Indeed, I got 1 or 2 sheep sickness events, the herd hasnot quite recovered from that and it spiraled downward with quite a speed.

I just hate to demolish something... especially Great temples. it's not cost, my trade goods can cover that.

And my animal skill is just dreadful. Out of all those nobles, only 1 barntar and one ernalda got excellent. No Uraldan. Needless to say my Uralda HQ is less utilized than other HQ. Kallyr can do it but sometimes at the end that HQ throw me a curve ball. {shrug} And needless to say my Sacred Time Herd Magic is one point (no Uraldan) so...

My Issaries traders are low level also. So the position of Issaries helpers in LM HQ is weak, lead to underutilization of LM HQ. Highest Bargaining is my Trickster.

Oh well, I nearly finish anyway. My Kallyr are doing preparation for weddings. Still, my hope of high pop, big bully clan is quite dashed. I got only 4000 this time.

This round I notice an extreme skew on nobles. Dont know why, luck of the draw perhaps. Last game my adventurous Orlanthi clan got quite allround godi of noble. This time my Elmal aggressive landgrabber got many Ernaldan (3-4), Humakt (2-3), Barnstar (2-3) and less than ideal number of Uraldan. Is my play style affect the kind of nobles I get or what?

With puzzles

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