Re: Godlearners' Secret

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 12:10:48 -0700

> do you actually plan to reveal the "right" action for certain events at any point? The heroquests come to mind the first... I mean it's been a decade after all and I can't see the gaming selling at large numbers still.. I'd imagine revealing heroquest and other design philosophy would make them who still follow the list etc - the grognards - very happy. I can't see downside to this.

There are still people coming to the game for the first time.

The only place in the game there can be said to be a "right" response is heroquests, and the myths really are a pretty good guideline there.

> sometimes you do what Ermal did in the legend and they don't die, other times they die from the first attack.

The design decision throughout the game is that the person performing the action is important. Just because you know what Elmal did doesn't mean you automatically succeed. It still requires a skill contest.

(In most situations the game picks the best member of the ring for the job. Heroquests are all a single character.)

David Dunham A Sharp, LLC

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