Re: Sleazy Weaponthane Tricks

From: Bryan Thexton <bethexton_at_...>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 09:01:51 -0700 (PDT)

Don't get me wrong.....the first ten years or so are usually nail-biters, tribe making is never a sure thing, and trying to get someone suitable groomed to become king or queen and then getting them elected are is after that when I find that all the little things you've done (build temples, make trade routes, build fortifications, explore the map, make allies, improve your reputation) accumulate to make the final period fairly stress free.  In other words, overall I find the game gets easier as it goes along, because the challenges don't really scale with your success (if anything they go down, as you've weakened your regular foes more likely than not).  Having the ancestors kill your magic, or getting a plague year, or a run of bad harvests, makes you react.....but it is not usually that threatening by then.

I don't claim to have some magic play skills, but I've played enough to have a pretty good idea of the 'optimum' choices at each event, which probably does help get all those building blocks put in place more quickly now, compared to when I was first playing ten years ago!

Which is fine if it ends quickly, but from getting elected king to end of game can run 20 years sometimes, depending on when events trigger! 

I have a lot of games where I've eventually abandoned them during that home stretch, because there was not much variety or challenge.

Subject: Re: Sleazy Weaponthane Tricks
Received: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 11:38 AM


      >And I play KoDP a lot. If I ever did get

> bored, I'd start trying to play on Normal rather than Easy. (I've

> tried that only a few times in the years I've been playing KoDP -- and

> I've played it pretty regularly ever since it came out -- and I've

> gotten creamed every time.)

The confessions come out?

Add me to the "plays on Easy and gets crushed on Normal" list. :)


James Sterrett






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