From: owner-runequest-rules@ (RuneQuest Rules Digest) To: runequest-rules-digest@lists.MPGN.COM Subject: RuneQuest Rules Digest V2 #77 Reply-To: Sender: owner-runequest-rules@ Errors-To: owner-runequest-rules@ Precedence: bulk RuneQuest Rules Digest Wednesday, April 28 1999 Volume 02 : Number 077 RuneQuest is a trademark of Hasbro/Avalon Hill Games. All Rights Reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS Re: [RQ-RULES] Storm Bull [RQ-RULES] Re: RuneQuest Rules Digest V2 #76 [RQ-RULES] tiger people RE: [RQ-RULES] Mounted Combat Compromise [RQ-RULES] ShoreCon '99 Re: [RQ-RULES] Mounted Combat Compromise RE: [RQ-RULES] Mounted Combat Compromise [RQ-RULES] DMD - Savidge for RQ/Greyhawk RE: [RQ-RULES] Mounted Combat Compromise [RQ-RULES] DMD - Torva for RQ/Greyhawk RULES OF THE ROAD 1. Do not include large sections of a message in your reply. Especially not to add "Yeah, I agree" or "No, I disagree." Or be excoriated. If someone writes something good and you want to say "good show" please do. But don't include the whole message you praise. 2. Use an appropriate Subject line. 3. Learn the art of paraphrasing: Don't just quote and comment on a point-by-point basis. 4. No anonymous posting, please. Don't say something unless you're ready to stand by it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:12:12 +0100 From: (Simon Hibbs) Subject: Re: [RQ-RULES] Storm Bull Terje Tollisen : >The problem is that a berserker should be able to be a berserk in >every fight (at least almost), not just when he can afford the POW. >The second is that using Fanatizm gives a the effect for just a short >time. It's long enough for one fight, but not for a battle. The third >problem is that believeing in your god just don't cut it with the >present rules. If you can not parry, you die without serious backup. I realy don't see why. Going berserk represents a terrific physical and mental effort. It's after-effects, as described in the spell, are rightly debilitating. The berserk will be exhausted, disoriented and likely will suffer from strained and aching muscles. This isn't the sort of thing you can do all day every day. The physiological cost is just too much. It sems perfectly reasonable to me that experienced, powerfull members of the cult such as Khans would be able to extend the time they can stay in Rage. They should also be able to bless their followers with extended berserk fury, through casting repeated berserk spells or using Extension. As for Fanaticism, an charcter with average POW can cast 5 fanaticism spells in succession, lasting 25 minutes. That's assuming only 11 POW and no magic points storage. A more experienced typical adventurer with a POW of 15 and 6 points of MP storage can stay fanaticised for almost an hour consecutively. Over the course of a day of battle the character would also recover enough MPs for another few castings of Fanaticism, for a total of an hour over the course of the day. To me that seems better than adequate. Fifteen minutes, or even five minutes is a long, long time in a combat situation. Keeping going for half an hour of peak performance in a battlefield situation is a serious effort. Doing so while in a raging fury is going to be _costly_. Overall I think the current rules do a pretty good job. Simon Hibbs *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 09:36:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: [RQ-RULES] Re: RuneQuest Rules Digest V2 #76 Storm Bulls don't CARE about healing! Only wimpy girlie-man fake storm calvies care about healing themselves during combat. Real Storm Bulls kill chaos. If they die, then that's a real Storm Bull pumped up kind of death! Don't be a girly-man storm calvie, be a Pumped Up Storm Bull!!!! *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 08:49:17 -0700 From: Brad Furst Subject: [RQ-RULES] tiger people >From: "Rich Allen" >I did borrow extensively from >something something a friend had, some pages copied out of an old suppliment >(RQ2 I think) that had tiger people in it. If anyone knows what this was, >where it was published, etc. I'll add that info to the page. > I am remembering Tiger People in an old issue of _Different_Worlds_ magazine. I have that one here at home, but right this moment it is in a "safe" place. I expect that I will be able to identify copyright author and publishing dates. Brad Furst *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 19:59:09 -0500 From: "Rich Allen" Subject: RE: [RQ-RULES] Mounted Combat Compromise Simon Hibbs: > No, because oratory and dancing are different activities. The As you're fond of saying, IRRELEVANT!!! My question is: if the intention of the activity is identical, do you use an existing skill or create a new one? The closest existing skill, for the purpose of my example, was Oratory. Spoken words or dance and pantomime; the intention is to convey a story to a group of people, and that's what Oratory is for in RQ3. > Do you really think such a person has no chance of being able to > handle such a situation... > Why should role-playing characters be effectively banned from > performing such feats? Have you even read what I've written? Where did I use the word "ban"?? Where did I use the phrase "no chance"?? Get a friggin grip! I have been saying that though very much RELATED, the skills are different. I can, IRL, hit a bullseye at 20 yards using bow and arrow, 4 out of 5 times. I can, IRL, ride a horse through heavily forested and hilly terrain, jump small fences at a gallop, and navigate fast moving streams without losing my seat. I could not hit any part of a target with bow and arrow while mounted, unless I got in a very lucky shot. The two skills are RELATED but are not the same!!! Why is it that you completely ignored the rapier and broadsword example I put forth in response to your comment about sword play? The RQ3 rules seem to agree with me, in that there are RELATED but separate skills. It seems that whenever a discussion puts forth ideas that contradict your own, Simon, you resort to misquoting and bad attitude. Why is that? Someone else has stated that the rules for mounted combat, as written in RQ3, work just fine. I agree! But I also think there is room for improvement, and that's what this discussion was about. Or so I thought. Now, can we get back to helpful discussion? Rich Allen *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 22:27:12 -0400 From: Tal Meta Subject: [RQ-RULES] ShoreCon '99 Greetings. I'm the RPG coordinator for ShoreCon '99, which will be held on September 9-12 1999 at the Hilton in Cherry Hill, NJ. In that capacity, I'm looking for GMs (and players, too) for RPG events at the convention. The deadline for event submissions is June 1st, and by visiting our website at you can find complete information on hotel accomodations, online GM registration (now guaranteed to work!), and even get on the mailing list to have our pre-registration book sent directly to you. If you are interested in GMing an event, the time to sign up is now! This year ShoreCon will will be having several special guests, including Peter Adkison (President and CEO of WotC/TSR), Steve Jackson (President of Steve Jackson Games) and Jolly Blackburn (creator of Knights of the Dinner Table)! We'll also be boasting Target Games' 1st Annual Games Expo, several LARPs (Vampire, Star Wars, and Toon!), as well as a large selection of RPGs, CCGs, Miniature events and Network Gaming! Thanx for your time... - -- - Heretic & Dilettante ICQ - 12594453 AIM - talmeta1 Homepage - *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:00:01 -0400 From: "Bob Stancliff" Subject: Re: [RQ-RULES] Mounted Combat Compromise > > Simon Hibbs: > > No, because oratory and dancing are different activities. The > Rich Allen: > As you're fond of saying, IRRELEVANT!!! My question is: if the intention of > the activity is identical, do you use an existing skill or create a new one? > The closest existing skill, for the purpose of my example, was Oratory. > Spoken words or dance and pantomime; the intention is to convey a story to a > group of people, and that's what Oratory is for in RQ3. Sorry Rich, your example doesn't cut it. It doesn't matter that the dance is intended to relay information; Dance is a ritualized series of motions which can serve many purposes. Oratory is spoken communication to persuade or emotionally move listeners. Your language of dance may be a complete language that is broader than spoken sounds (look at Wormish), but the skill to perform it is a Language skill modified by a Dance skill, not Oratory, since it is based on motion. > Have you even read what I've written? Where did I use the word "ban"?? > Where did I use the phrase "no chance"?? Get a friggin grip! It seems > that whenever a discussion puts forth ideas that contradict your own, Simon, > you resort to misquoting and bad attitude. Why is that? Guys, please let this discussion drop. We don't want to see your flame war so please take it off the list. Bob Stancliff *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:47:10 -0500 From: "Rich Allen" Subject: RE: [RQ-RULES] Mounted Combat Compromise > Sorry Rich, your example doesn't cut it. It doesn't > matter that the dance is intended to relay information; > Dance is a ritualized series of motions which can serve > many purposes. Oratory is spoken communication to persuade > or emotionally move listeners. Your language of dance may > be a complete language that is broader than spoken sounds > (look at Wormish), but the skill to perform it is a > Language skill modified by a Dance skill, not > Oratory, since it is based on motion. So you agree with me then! There are cases in RQ3 where using the existing skills just plain don't cut it, and new skills should be created to fill the gap. That has been my point from the start, stated several times. I apologize for letting Simon get my goat, I won't respond to the list regarding his trolling again. Rich Allen *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 19:52:44 -0400 From: Tal Meta Subject: [RQ-RULES] DMD - Savidge for RQ/Greyhawk Gods of the Nalshavel SAVIDGE Runes: Plant, Half Moon, Beast Savidge is the god of Nature and the Changing Seasons. Cult in the World This enigmatic young god has been hunted by the other euroz deities for nearly his entire existence. Savidge is a spirit of nature, a domain that most euroz spit and trample upon. When he heard of the new sun-god of the euroz, Savidge sought him out. Savidge is tired of the constant warfare and brutality of the euroz race. When he learned of the Zavik, Savidge saw an opprotunity to renew his own faith and at last take up residence in the forested hills, to feel the wind and rain upon his face, and to be one with Nature. This cult celebrates it's High Holy Day on the 1st of Needfest, with lesser holidays observed on the 14th of each month. Shrines to Savidge are typically at the heart of a forest, near the largest, oldest tree. Priests of Savidge wear green leafed cloaks, and weild simple oaken staves that serve as badges of office as well as ritual bindings. Lay Membership Requirements: Savidge draws his worshippers from those who dwell outside of the cities, out among the hills and forests that Savidge finds most pleasing. Skills taught include Climb, Dodge, Ride, Sing, Speak Languages, Craft Wood, First Aid, Lores (Animal, Euroz, Nalshavel, Plant, World), Conceal, Listen, Scan, Track, Ambush, Hide, Sneak, Ceremony, Sling attack and Broadsword attack/parry. Initiate Membership Requirements: Standard. Known as the Forestborn, Savidge's initiates take an oath to never again leave the wilderness they have sworn to protect. More than any of the other Zavik cults, the followers of Savidge bear the deepest hatred for their former kin. Many euroz, ranging too close to nalshavel lands have felt the deadly sting of sling bullets from followers of this cult. Spirit Magic: Befuddle, Bladesharp, Coordination, Endurance, Moon Sight, Protection, and Zephyr Stone. Priesthood/Shamans Requirements: Standard for shamans. The most nature oriented of the Zavik cults, Savidge remains the only one with strong ties to the spirit world. The Leafsworn (as Savidge's chosen are called) work closely with Ezri's cult patrolling the borders of their lands, in addition to overseeing the expansion of their more citified cousins into the unclaimed forests. Virtues for Savidge include Conservative, Loyal, Private, and Spiritual. Common Divine Magic: all Special Divine Magic: Draw Beast, Mask Scent, Moon Running, Spectral Forest, Sureshot Shamanic Taboos Bind only Animal or Plant Spirits No Spell Barrage Associated Gods Ezri: provides Speak with Birds Torva: provides Reflection - -- - Heretic & Dilettante ICQ - 12594453 AIM - talmeta1 Homepage - *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 08:47:44 +0100 From: "Hibbs, Philip" Subject: RE: [RQ-RULES] Mounted Combat Compromise >So you agree with me then! There are cases in RQ3 where >using the existing skills just plain don't cut it, and new skills >should be created to fill the gap. Duh? Maybe in principle there are such circumstances, but I for one would be happy to use the Dance skill unmodified to tell a story through the medium of dance, given that the character has had an opportunity to learn storytelling dances. And no, that's not a new skill, it's just like saying that a character can use Oratory to recite a poem, as long as they have had an opportunity to learn some poetry. As Simon pointed out, riding games were invented as a form of mounted combat practice. In our modern world, this has been lost, and some people study horsemanship for other reasons, and horsemanship has drifted away from being combat practice. This is why you can ride a horse, and fire a bow, but not together. A thousand years ago, I don't think anybody would have that combination of skills. So, if you are running Call of Cthulhu, you may need to modify the rules so that a skilled rider can't use their handgun skill effectively while mounted. RuneQuest does not, IMO, need this. Opinions expressed may not even be my own, let alone those of any organisations, nations, species, or schools of thought to which I may be affiliated. Failure is not an option, it's integral to the o/s. *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:34:27 -0400 From: Tal Meta Subject: [RQ-RULES] DMD - Torva for RQ/Greyhawk Gods of the Nalshavel TORVA Runes: Law, Fire, Magic, Light Tovra is the god of Magic, Light, the Sun, and Persistence. Cult in the World Torva faced many challenges along the road to his current position. Originally the patron of euroz witch-doctors, he wanted to bring his followers greater magickal powers than they currently held, and so he quested for a teacher. Rebuffed by Boccob, he was accepted by Zagyg, who, in his own fashion, charged Torva with a seemingly impossible quest before his instruction could begin. Against the odds, Torva succeeded in his quest, and in doing so gained both the special emnity of Pholtus and some of that god's powers over Light as well. Zagyg was well pleased with his new student, and taught him many of the deeper mysteries he sought. When Gruumsh ridiculed him for his new abilities and heretical ideas, Torva fled his father's Halls, taking with him several of the other disaffected godlings who rose to become the Zavik. Though hunted by kin and their traditional enemies alike, the followers of Torva and the Zavik have nonetheless carved several small communities for themselves out of the more inaccessable regions of the Flanaess. Followers of Torva hold the 7th of Fireseek as their High Holy Day, with lesser holidays on the 7th of each month. Temples to Torva are always circular affairs built aboveground, with their main entrances facing east to greet the dawn. Within, a great central pyre burns, an eternal flame that symbolizes purity, resolve, and power. Most serve dual duty as temples to the whole of the Zavik in addition to Torva as an individual. Torva's priests wear robes of yellow trimmed in orange, red or white, depending on their stature in the cult. Lay Membership Requirements: Torva is worshipped both as the 'father' of his pantheon and as the Patron of Magic to his race. As a result, nearly all the nalshaval are at least lay members of this cult, in addition to whatever other cults they belong to. Skills available through this cult are Orate, Speak Languages, Evaluate, Lores (Euroz, Magic, Million Spheres, Nalshavel, Spirit, World), Read/Write, Conceal, Hide, Ceremony, and Grapple attack/parry. While Intensity is a learned skill, all other manipulations available must be sacrificed for on the High Holy Day of this cult. Arts available include Maintain, Multispell, Range, Force, Hold, Permanency and Reinforce. (Magi have all manipulations available to them). Torva's High Vow enjoins his followers to live lives of austerity and moderation, and to seek any knowledge that comes their way. Magic that is not of the Zavik is to be resisted, save that of Aisula, who still dwells in the shadows. Initiate Membership Requirements: Standard. Initiates of Torva are known as the FlameTouched; considered journeymen in their chosen field of magic, they gain access as well to the divine magics that Torva provides. Note: Like most other Magic rune deities, Torva does not provide access to Spirit Magic, only sorcery, magick, and rune spells. Acolyte Membership Requirements: Standard. Considered full adepts, the Sunchasers serve their communities with their magic, adding enchantments to civic projects and when necessary using their spells in the defense of their settlements. Rune Lord Membership Requirements: Standard. Known as the Black Hands, they are specially chosen from among those autotheist, battlemage and Fire Warlock adepts who show the most promise, and are given further instruction in the skill of Martial Arts. As a mark of special favor, the forearms and hands of those so chosen visibly darken and take on the offensive and defensive properties of a heavy cestus (1d3+2 damage, 8 AP). Priesthood Requirements: Open only to fire warlock magi, Torva's priesthood are known as the Orb Holders. In addition to their duties training their people in magic, Torva's priests usually serve as the temporal rulers of their communities, coordinating the efforts of their fellow Zavik priests and striving to keep their small communities safe and secure. Virtues for Torva's followers include Creative, Honorable, Reckless, Spiritual and Stubborn. Common Divine Magic: all Special Divine Magic: Clear Sight, Command (Flares, Salamanders),Courage, Enhance Gustbran, Reflection, Restore Magic, Sun Beam, Sunbright. Associated Gods Guxrai: provides History Khavylus: provides Analyze Magic Movos: provides Shield - -- - Heretic & Dilettante ICQ - 12594453 AIM - talmeta1 Homepage - *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. ------------------------------ End of RuneQuest Rules Digest V2 #77 ************************************ *************************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list send mail to with the line 'unsubscribe runequest-rules' as the body of the message. RuneQuest is a Trademark of Hasbro/Avalon Hill Games. With the exception of previously copyrighted material, unless specified otherwise all text in this digest is copyright by the author or authors, with rights granted to copy for personal use, to excerpt in reviews and replies, and to archive unchanged for electronic retrieval.