Re: Re: Larnsti and other topics

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 20:59:07 +0000 (GMT)

> > > But cracks become
> > > visible. John has an excellent thematic idea
> that much of the
> > > future history of DP can be staged in WW. I
> guess Maniskisson and Kallyr don't get along.
> >
> > Apart from the Foodman thing, or is this
> Dragonspear (of RQ2 examples and
> > Biturian's story) with the Giant's Drinking
> Cauldron?
> I don't think we know yet, do we?

We don't know, and I thought we were leavng the Foodman open as a PC opportunity?

Maybe one of those cases of providing an NPC stadn-in if no PC wants it.

> > > BTW, I have a recommendation - the Maniskisson
> role should be
> > > reserved for player characters.

Again, providing the NPC in case they don't want it.

> > While I basically agree, this makes describing the
> antipathies between
> > Maniskisson and Kallyr a bit complicated.

Those antipathies aren't definite until much later. Attitudes *change*. Remmeber, Kallyr and Broyan will be fighting alongside Harrek in a few years time: yet it's Harrek who kills her, eventually.

And if THE Maniskisson is a PC, the whole thing will play out according to their game, not according to our reading of KoS. Maybe they get on fine. Maybe Kallyr ends up as part of his (or her??) ring. Anything can happen once you let players take control. That's what we're doing this for, after all! Us control freaks just have to learn to let go :(

> > My estimate is that about three to five future
> Argraths (besides Kallyr
> > and Broyan) are involved in the Siege of

hmm, let's make that "potentially" involved, shall we?

> Let's keep Sharpsword, Enostar and Whitebull out of
> this.

It does seem easier. Don't want them killed early, do we?

> Sharpsword is with the Cradle in 1621 (although come
> to think of it,
> we might want a Cradle tie-in). Maybe Sharpsword
> should have a bit role....

Read Widow's Tale? Looks to me like he's already involved, helping defend supply routes.

Enostar is in Pavis, and I can't see him leaving it at this stage.

White Bull is in Prax. Again, no reason to come over here.

Jane Williams                                   

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