Re: Re: WhiteBull, Golf Wheel Dancer

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 07:44:03 +0000 (GMT)

Correct, I believe, though I couldn't swear to the date.

> Or did you mean that Garrath is heroquesting at
> Pinchining's behest?

This is when Pinchining is meant to be providing most of the Cradle's defences, and gets killed by the Lunars. Garrath vanishes from the Cradle for a bit, and comes back bearing Pinchining. Most of us assume that he went off and did a quick LBQ to get him back (especially those of us who *know* that's what he did, because we were there), but there's also a theory that the Wheel was simply knocked off into the water, and Garrath was organising a team of (duck?) divers to retrieve him.

Still, I see no reason why every HQ in Dragon Pass should intersect with those going on in Whitewall in roughly the same period. If that sort of thing was likely to happen, normal everyday Heortling life would need the HeroPlane equivalent of air traffic control. (Hmm, would that be the Arkati?)

Jane Williams                                   

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