RE: Broyan's family

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 19:13:59 +0000 (GMT)

> Remember we always have bloodline members. Even
> Broyan (in my version) and Kallyr (in yours) have

She does?

Temertain's about the only one left on her father's side, and there's nothing documented on her mother's. (My version had her entire clan wiped out in 1602: possibly a few small children left to grow up into PCs, but no bood kin).

> In my campaign, Leika has lots of kin. She's a
> member of the leading
> bloodline of the Taraling clan (which includes
> Kallai, Kangarl, Darsten
> and Torkel). She's involved in kinstrife between
> her and her cousin
> Kangarl. In 1615, the Taralings are torn apart by
> Blackmoor's "coup".
> The kinstrife issue should dog and trouble Leika.

Fine, that'll do.

> Works for me. I just don't want a "hidden heir of
> Broyan" subplot.
> We've got that plenty with the House of Sartar.


> > > We've got him sacrificing his clan, his
> followers,
> > > his companions and
> > > his lovers. Let's add offspring to the list.
> > I must have missed the lovers. But yes. Let's.
> Lovers are his girlfriends and bedcompanions.

Sure, I just hadn't realised they got sacrificed.

Jane Williams                                   

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