Eurmal speaks again....

From: illuminate33 <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 20:39:10 -0000

Before kings whipping jester again,  

remember what state of mind one was in at first.

(IIRC Nick's statements, Monty Python's Brian is the first one...)

Below is my suggestion as a poll to Nick in HQ mailing list, but rejected:

<<Who is the guy sitting over the whitewall (in the William's illustration of Dragon Pass, p. 60)?

  1. King Broyan, now his mood swingging into melancholy and worrying about his destiny and his God.
  2. Orlanth, sitting over the last of his stronghold and watching the invisible psychic war against Red Goddess from this high place.
  3. Both.
  4. Neither, just a past king of Volsaxar who wants to cool down himself with breeze after a fine lunch. >>

Sorry, perhaps Broyan routinely kills his tricksters and recruits new one several times (If Jeff's suggestion is right).


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