Re: Smithstone

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 08:58:24 +0100 (CET)

Jane Williams
> --- Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_...> wrote:
>> Smithstone, downstream from Whitewall, apparently
>> "provided the white quartzite which makes the facing
>> of Whitewall so impressive".

> Given what we now know, it looks like this was a
> misunderstanding. Smithstone provided the experts who
> knew how to work the stuff.

That text was written by me and was published in Tradetalk #4. It draws on the parallel of the Newgrange facing (which was transported from a river about the same distance as Whitewall is from Smithstone) and was contradicted by DP:LoT ("It sits atop a high plateau made of white stone, which the builders used to make the city's walls.").

> Space here for an expert mason? Nothing to do with the
> cult of Pavis for once? We wanted some Earth presence,
> didn't we?

Jeff brought Sestarto the Artist into play, so I think the consensus has chosen to ignore my earlier drystone walls made of chunks of quartzite.

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