RE: The Bat-Blat

From: Jeff Richard <richj_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:38:19 -0800

Maybe it is about time for us to consider how Broyan and company defeated the Bat. I strongly recommend taking a look at the Batstats on Wiki:  

A couple of things that leap out:  

The Bat is huge. Presumably, the Bat was summoned some three to seven years after Boldhome and has gotten to eat lots of folk in the intervening decade (where has the Bat been? Aggar? Talastar? Scaring the shit out of nomads?) I'd say it's Large is probably around 15w6 or higher. Flippin' huge. It can easily accommodate the Bat Guards and Broyan's Companions.  

The Bat emanates a 2 mile Glowspot, which means it was a Full Moon when the Lunars attacked.  

The Bat's primary attack is its Chaos Scream (15w4), affecting everyone in a 1 mile radius (cult members and Bat Guards are immune). This power can affect Otherworld entities currently in the Middle world. Victims defeated by the Chaos Scream are driven mad. Each entity in the affected area is affected separately, and the Bat does not suffer Multiple Target modifiers.  

The Bat absorbs magic (15w5) cast at it or any of its followers who are on its back (the 24 Priests and the 120 Bat Guards). This is an automatic Marginal Defeat to the person who cast the (ie, loss of any AP bid on the magical attack). This defense is only available to those followers in direct physical contact with the bat at the time of casting: a priest flying above the bat is not so protected. This only affects magic directly cast at the Bat or its followers (Cult member or Bat Guard); magic used to augment an attacker's mundane ability is not so affected.  

Significant Abilities: Large 5w5 - 15w7 Attacks:
Acid Cloud 4w, Chaos Scream 15w4, Chaotic Eye Spit 12w2, Tongues 10w2, Tentacles 5w, Bite 18w4, Stomach Acid 15w4, Wing Buffet 13w4, Absorb Magic 15w5  

My thought is that Broyan and his companions must manage to (1) neutralize the Chaos Scream, and (2) magically augment their group attack big time. two options come to mind:  

Option One: Broyan and companions heroquest to overcome the Bat's Chaos Scream and its ability to Absorb Magic. Players can be part of this as Broyan's heroquest companions which gives us the challenge of how to make being a heroquest companion fun, interesting and relevant
(something I've wanted to see for a while). Players can also be part of
the flying warband that lands on the Bat and fights Bat Guards, Priests and Ticks. Once the Bat priests and guards are all killed, the Bat goes out of control and attacks the Lunars and is eventually killed.  

Option Two: This is a huge Compromise shaking heroquest (like Night and Day). Broyan incarnates Vingkot and leads his followers to fight the Bat - getting us into the whole Vingkotling age myths and explaining why Broyan worships Vingkot in his own right. Players can be part of this as companions in Broyan's Vingkot Kills the Fire Tribe's Sky Monster heroquest. Players can also be part of this as warriors who follow Vingkot onto the Bat and have to fight Bat Guards, Priests and Ticks
(while Broyan and the Heroquesters are neutralizing the Bat). Once the
Bat priests and guards are all killed, Vingkot cuts open the Bat and kills it. The Bat's Stomach Acid floods the Lunar Troops below and all hell breaks loose.  

Other options are of course available, but I think we should figure out how to stage this as one of the Heortling defender scenarios for our WW Pack.  


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