Re: The Bat-Blat

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 14:24:30 -0000

> BTW, those OiD stats again. We keep hearing
> descriptions of Kallyr with massive Storm powers. I
> don't see any related numbers.

Hmmm, I suspect that anyone creating macro-scale weather effects does so with ritual magic not a simpl feat. The feat can create localized weather effects, but I think for terrible storm season blizzards you are talking rituals, community support etc. So Kallyr is not acting alone here.

My assumption is that the old picture that macro, battlefield scale magics, are not the work of individuals even heroes acting alone, but of communities. Morden after all gains much of his power by acting as the focus for community magic.

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