RE: Re: The Bat-Blat

From: Jeff Richard <richj_at_...>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 13:29:44 -0800

I thought the route of the Bat would be something like this - from the Autumn Mountains or wherever it has been feedings, through Tarsh and then either (1) down the River through Dwarf Run and over the Marsh or (2) across Dragon Pass to Stone Cross. Then east across the Vusvan and Dreven Vales (to scare the begeebus out of the newly conquered tribes), up the Dreven river and over to Whitewall.  

I think that Fazzur and the Tarshites would use every card they have to keep the Bat out of Sartar while much of the Lunar army is away - no point in having another Rebellion!

> Why northwest? Doesn't that send the Bat through pacified

        Newly pacified.          

> Did we decide where it was? I was thinking sending it
through Prax

> might be nice since they would want to sneak (ha!) up

        I don't think the Bat is ever sent to Prax - the River of Cradles couldn't sustain it for any length of time. Besides, the arrival of the Coders wouldn't be mistaken for the Bat if folk had seen the Bat before!          

> I do think they would try and sneak up as much as they could

> maybe avoid Sartar/Heortland until they need to enter.

        I agree, except I think it would be sent through the newly conquered Volsaxilands to show the power and the might of the Lunar army.          


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