RE: Rationalising Whitewall Locales

From: Jeff Richard <richj_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 09:08:19 -0800


> Would someone with a grasp of Volsaxi history care to name
clans A-D and

> their ancestors, totems gods, etc.? I guess totemic names
will do fine for

> now. Based around Animals? Weapons? Colours?

OK, here are my current thoughts on the Volsaxi themselves. The Volsaxar do not have a ruling "dynasty" like other Third Age "Vingkotling" kingdoms (like the Alakoringite Tarshites) - they have a "ruling clan" (like the ancient Kodigvari). Tribal kings are elected from that clan alone, however they can be any member of the clan (no specific royal bloodline). There are parallels between this and the pre-Andrinic Hendreiki (whose kings all came from the Larnsti - essentially another royal clan). Currently, I am just using the name "royal clan of the Volsaxar" (RCV). Obviously we need a name for them - maybe it is just the Volsaxar (or it could be something completely unrelated). Their totem is probably the Bull (the beast of Vingkot if I recall), and their color should be Green. I'd be amused if their weapons are a ceremonial shield and a fancy helmet (Broyan has enchanted armor and an enchanted shield) - not the true Shield and Helm but definitely an echo.  

Broyan is a member of this Volsaxi ruling clan, but not necessarily close kin to the previous kings of the Volsaxi. I think he belongs to Hardard's bloodline, which has largely been out of power since the Kitori conquest. I believe that the ruling clan has several steads throughout Volsaxi tribal lands, for instance at Whitewall, the northern Markdale, and Karstenstead. Their tula is fragmented - but that's ok. This clan presumably claims descent from Garan and Serias, maybe older. As a clan, they've got all sorts of ceremonial and magical roles that reassert their role as tribal leaders.  

Other Volsaxi clans are probably normal Heortling clans. Sometimes they leave the Volsaxar, sometimes they don't.  

Hope that helps.      

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