RE: Re: The BatBlat

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 00:59:12 +0100

**LOL** Read in the style of Jessie Duke? Hahahaa! Excellent.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 31 March 2004 20:19
Subject: Re: Re: The BatBlat


> Does anyone else want to have a go? This is what I was after.

"So,me folks say that that big red bat is too big too fly, that it flaps its
wings too damn slow, that it don't have no right to be up there in the middle
air swooping down on folks as if they is just bugs. Let me tell ya they've got
no business complaining that that bat cant' do that unless they is complaining to the bat itself and if they wants to try that then see how far they get.

I asked one o' them Teelo Moon Priestesses once and she told me that it ain't
the bat that's all wrong, it's the world of Time. Time being the child of
Nature and Entropy; a bit like the bat see. Now Time ain't gonna be cruel to it's
brother now is it? It's gonna cut it a bit of slack, let it go at a different
pace from the rest of us, so it can fly an' all. That Priestess explained it
better but what she was really sayin' was that as far as the Bat is concerned
it ain't too big and too slow, but everything else is too small and too fast.
When I kept on with questions and more question she told me it was "just

magic" and that I should get back to work but them's the basics. At least she
didn't go on about Essence and Souls and Spirits and stuff that make no sense."


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