Broyan's War Ring

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 15:28:09 +1000


>This raises a good question regarding Broyan's Ring. I assume his
>actual ring are primarily Volsaxar and Hendreiki, with a few exceptions
>(who?). I think he uses the High Council Ring (13 members), with Broyan
>as Orlanth (or Vingkot), but I have no idea who the others should be.
>At least one Larnsti should be on it as well.

The traditional war ring will certainly be. But what happens to the Ring when the city is crammed with Sartarites and their moots, especially in the period after the BatBlat when Broyan is compus non mentus? Compromise? A new ring? A refusal to change? Extreme tension?


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