Re: The Actor Game--closed?

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 15:51:11 -0000

> Only fly in the ointment is the "Who?" phenomena...

Fair-play, Oliver! I agree that any pop-cultural reference is open to such problems. If people were interested they can investigate further. I think Jane has got it bang-on: a link to a website and piccies are far better than a simple name if people wished to follow these tidbits.

I must admit, I chose Peter Lorre as a test-case, hoping to add a little element of 'famous' creepy noir to the 'castings' done so far and expand upon the filmic ("I'M BRIAN BLESSED!") base, but...

> > PETER LORRE (in just about anything)
> A quick Google later, I'm unimpressed. Did lots of
> parts, I think I've seen at least some of them, and
> he'd made no impression on long-term memory at all.

Even after Googling, how can you be unimpressed with poor old Peter Lorre? I tried to suggest one of the most facially and vocally distinct actors I could remember. Ooops. :)

So here we go...

Here are some creepily-voiced soundbites from some of his classics (perhaps suitable for a Lunar agent): (sadly main of these having 'problems')

By the way, I know I do lots of silly things with Ducks (not like that) and stuff, but I was actually joking about Terry-Thomas.

I think Leslie 'Ding Dong!' Phillips would be a far better choice.



P.S. Jeff: I always thought the character actor Stephen Waddington (the British major in 'Last of the Mohicans', Ivanhoe etc.) would have made a wonderful Jack Aubrey in 'Master & Commander', but no, we had to have big star Russ Crowe, 'the only man who could pull it off'! Shame.

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