RE: Re: Trickster magic

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 00:51:52 +0100

> Of course, Kallyr's contribution to the Argrath myth might
> be/include the name of the trickster

Entirely possible. And that's definitely "include". Who was it did the Dragonrise? Lit the Flame? Etc?

> Or, more farfetched -
> Elusu is the *real* Argrath, but he had to use heroes as
> "Front Men" to do his work for him (would *you* trust a
> Eurmali king?).

I had an idea once that the "real" Argrath was in fact a Trickster: but a very unusual and horrifyingly dangerous one, in that he had control of his abilities, and could hide them. It worked out dramatically quite well, though the lack of evidence to support it precluded it being raised to the heights of "Theory".

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