Re: Date WW fell

From: Manuel MOLINIER <astaroth.maillist_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:14:36 +0200

And what about the people they had to face ? Every siege is not an easy tasks and you never know when it ends or ever if it will end at all ... The history is written by winners that find a lot of good (magical, numbers, omens etc) reasons to say they decided to make it fall that day. Also it might come from the Lunar being tired of the siege and launching a final attack ...


  Jane Williams
> What is special about Windsday, Death week, Dark season of 1621?

> Well, I think I can see a few hints about the first two (Wind,
> Death...), but why 1621, not 1620, say?

  1621 is fairly unspectacular if you are looking for cyclical activity. The   Wane ends in 1625, making Tatius' temple dedication rite somewhat urgent,   but that's the only event hooked up by the year number I can think of   offhand.

  The Devil's Cycle every 600 years is fairly loose, and the end of the   Imperial Age is extremely fuzzy. Going back to the end of the First Age,   we find the Birth of Nysalor in 375 (resulting in 1575: Tarkalor gets King   of Dragon Pass, five years later Dormal Opens the Seas) and Death of   Nysalor in 450 (1650: probably a time of culmination of various Hero Wars   activities).

  By these mathematics we go back to 421, which saw Arkat somewhere in   Ralios IIRC. Locally, the date for the Battle of the Verge might be   sometime in that region, maybe the closest equivalent.

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