Re: Coal

From: donald_at_...
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 23:32:53 GMT

In message <20050301230846.RGLS5678.aamta06-winn.mailhost.ntl.com_at_master> "Jane Williams" writes:
>> >Agreed - and I'm not even sure Glorantha has coal? (Though I
>> >do wonder about the Blackrock clan of the Kheldon?)
>> Sounds like coal, it's probably the clan wyter, has a fire
>> spirit which allows fires the burn with minimal fuel. Trying
>> to hack bits off is probably the most dangerous thing you
>> could do in the tula.
>Thinking about the little we know of the two documented members of the
>clan, I'd agree with you.
>"Insterid Fire Eyes" - I never have sorted out why that nickname, and
>considering the amount I'm writing about her these days, I should.
>And further down the same Companions list, the Fireman is "Randella
>Offirsdotter, of the Blackrock". Same applies.
>Common magic for the clan including an Ignite spell?

Sounds likely.

>But I doubt if the clan exports much coal, as a general rule. Some
>might well reach Whitewall, considering how many of the clan seem
>to be there, but not enough for general use.

I'm not even sure the clan mines much coal. I was thinking of a single large rock of the stuff, maybe left on the surface by the Mostali.

How often was coal used prior to the industrial revolution? While coal can make a good fuel, especially for metal working, you need a good chimney if used for heating as most coal has some nasty impurities.

Donald Oddy

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