Re: Factions at Whitewall

From: pmaclanderson <pmanderson_at_...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 13:55:23 -0000

Refuse the earth might be closer. It applies to that 15% of women who do not follow the Way of Ernalda in any of its forms. (For example, I know a female LM Sage who is troth-bound to marry a clan chief - just as soon as their pesky Lunar problem is resolved. His mother is a good Ernaldan, who would much prefer that her son marry one of her Ernalda cousins in the third clan of the traditional triaty....)

Is Vinga enough tied to Earth to escape this sort of thing? I would say so, but I will probably be gregged.

Kallyr was middle-aged in 1613; IIRC Leika became chief a couple years later, and was then about thirty.

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