Organisational structure inside Whitewall

From: Charles Corrigan <charles_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 05:15:11 -0000

> I doubt that's the way it works - some
> Sartarite bands follow Kallyr and grant
> her authority because they have some
> relationship with her. Other bands
> might tell her to piss off and take
> direction only from Broyan.
> This is a problem the Heortlings have
> - they really can't delegate command
> without consent. Remember, nobody can
> make you do anything!

Absolutely agree, but...  

> > A High King is a King of King, so
> > while Kings (Kallyr, Leika frex)
> > defer to him, it by no means
> > detracts from their authority.
> This is true. However, Sartarite
> bands that are not Kheldon or part
> of the Ring of Sartar are not likely
> to recognize that Kallyr has any
> authority over them. It is even
> harder for Leika since plenty of
> Colymar don't acknowledge her as
> lawful queen.

Where I disagree is the context of Whitewall.

Everyone (an Orlanthi all) from Sartar share similar purposes - choose 1 or more from the list:
- follow Kallyr the Kheldon Queen and want to help her give the Lunars a bloody nose
- follow Kallyr the leader of the Iron Ring of Sartar and want to help her give the Lunars a bloody nose
- admire Kallyr for a serious attempt at rebellion and want to help her give the Lunars a bloody nose
- follow Leika the "rightful" Colymar Queen and want to help her give the Lunars a bloody nose
- exiled from Sartar with Kallyr and/or Leika and want to give the Lunars a bloody nose
- hate the situation in Sartar/hate the Lunars and want to give the Lunars a bloody nose
- looking for an opportunity to loot
- bloodlust
And I am sure there are many reasons that I left out.

In my opinion, a substantial number of the Satarites (about 50%?) have some relationship (direct or indirect) to Kallyr and will be happy to be under her command.

Similarly, I think that there are enough captains in Whitewall that the Heortland tribal kings/warleaders will have to control most warbands from their tribe - both as a practical matter but also, and more importantly, to insist on their prerogatives.

Of course there will be many exceptions and there will be many turf battles... during the quieter times of the siege, there will be more noise and fighting inside the walls.

Just to make it clear, I do not necessarily think that there are multiple huge armies here, more like a huge collection of small warbands, with every leader of 10 men looking to be treated as a major captain by Broyan.

After a while, a hierarchy will emerge and Kallyr will be one of the major commanders, probably second after Broyan.


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