RE: Cock-ups in command

From: donald_at_...
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 11:24:51 GMT

In message <20050723075038.INSF9998.aamta12-winn.ispmail.ntl.com_at_homemaster> "Jane Williams" writes:  

>Starkval "Wall-thane" (?):
>> >All that flashy showing off.... And it makes the youngsters in the
>> >fyrd want to run round being heroic instead of useful, too!
>> They aren't his problem, once he's got them past the stage where
>> he can knock them down with one hand behind his back they're
>> allowed to join the warband. His problem is all the people who'd
>> rather be doing something else.
>Exactly - something heroic and flashy. Because of these annoying
>heroes who keep giving them ideas.

I was thinking more of finding that cow that had wandered off, carving a toy for their child's birthday present, etc. Most of the fyrd are farmers, they may have wanted to be warriors a decade or two ago but not now.

>> Instead you disappear
>> into the hills, bury or flog your loot and do it all again.
>Hand over loot to authority to be divided (as per duties of
>tribal king).

Which involves dragging the stuff back to WW - waste of time and gives the Lunars more chance of tracking the band. Kallyr will have delegated this to trusted leaders among the Kheldons. She has to persuade other kings to follow her example.

>> Bear in mind that a guerilla army doesn't do much co-ordination
>> between groups, there aren't enough groups for friendly fire to
>> be a significant risk. The risk of communicating plans to a
>> central figure is far greater. So only a general idea of who's
>> operating where will be known to her.
>That's true of her operations in Sartar - here we have a lot of groups
>operating in a much smaller area. And friendly fire does happen. Remember
>Jestamin's Joke?
>Can I find the message number...? Easier to re-tell. Jestamin was a trader
>supplying the Lunars. Two Orlanthi warbands spotted him at once. They then
>fought each other for the "honour" of raiding him. He stayed long enough to
>laugh, but not long enough to still be around when they'd finished.

That's not friendly fire, it's warband rivalry. Friendly fire would be shooting up a warband because they thought they were Lunars.

>> I think the problem is more likely to be a guerilla band sends
>> Kallyr a message which needs her to tell Broyan something -
>> maybe arrange for the WW garrison to do something. Kallyr's
>> not there and no one else knows what to do about it so nothing
>> gets done.
>Sounds good, though examples aren't springing to mind at present.

Just off the top of my head - A plan to burn siege engines which requires a diversionary sally from the walls.

Donald Oddy

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