Re: Volsaxi clan names?

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 00:53:35 -0000

> While we've got Greg interested in this, can I suggest we ask him
> look over the troop numbers at different times during the siege?
> has a big impact on what they are capable of doing.

Right now Greg and I are just working on the background history of the Hendreiki and the Volsaxi. We haven't really worked up to WW except in a tangental way. Unfortunately, stuff like running Issaries has really interfered with the amount of discussions we can have (maybe two or three emails a week).

> My feeling is that on the mundane plane Tatius spends most of 1620
> encirling the city and cutting off routes into WW. So at the
> beginning of the year the defenders can get supplies across
> as long as they send a warband out to guard them. By the end the
> Lunars are intercepting drultz smugglers in nearby streams which
> lead to the caverns under the city.
> This matches the troop levels we've got and is good for PCs as they
> can be given the job of finding different ways of keeping the city
> supplied. A job that gets gradually harder as they get better.

Sounds very reasonably.


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