Re: Re: Delayed welcome - new member

From: donald_at_...
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 22:40:40 GMT

In message <fnv8m0+1la8_at_...> "Stuart Cogger" writes:

>I am imagining a magical assault using spirits and elementals
>followed by an attack using what today would be called "Assault
>Pioneers" who would be magically protected shock troops whose role
>would be to get ladders across the bridge and into place. These
>ladders would be enchanted for protection, and would have an
>enchantment that would allow them to bind themselves to the walls.
>The problem for the Lunars seems to be the narrow bridge and the
>inability to get a large number of archers on the opposite side of it
>along with the amount of infantry necessary for the assault. So I see
>that infantry assaults are going to be extremely bloody affairs that
>will cause the Lunars huge losses (but that's never stopped anyone
>before has it?)

That is the impression the picture gives but it makes for a very boring game. I think there are ways up the chasm for light infantry and an area in front of the gate for attackers to deploy.

The sort of attack you are describing comes much later in the seige. At the start Jorkandros has a small detachment from Fazzur's main army which has gone on to conquer Heortland and Esrolia. The troops needed for a proper seige are attacking Karse. Fazzur expects Broyan to be holed up in some barbarian hill fort and thinks a couple of thousand men should have no trouble taking that.

Donald Oddy

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