Re: Tarkalor's Bridge

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 13:54:09 +0000 (GMT)

Your logic is impeccable, but sadly removes the dramatic possibilities of a bridge narrow enough to be held by a single hero (or group of PCs).    

> The bridge spans a rather long gap.

True. And shortening it would make it too easy for the gap to be bridged by other means.

> If it is a single arch rather than a
> viaduct with lots of columns downward, ...

If. Is it? I believe we drew it as a viaduct. My engineering days were a long time ago, but it seems to me that that's a long way for a single span. I can see four possibilites rather than two:
1) Arch - stone built, keystone in the middle, steep up and down.
2) Viaduct (what are the central pillars resting on, and how tall are they?)
3) Suspension bridge. There's a nice White Cliff to attack to at the city side, what do we have at the other? Towers?
4) A really long, strong, single-piece slab - stone, wood, whatever. It couldn't be done in RL, but Mostali magic - maybe.

> Backing up a heavily loaded wagon is hard. A trade
> route ought not make that a normal event.

I agree. If we were to go with the arch option, would a passing place (and control point) at the top of the arch make sense?

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