Re: R: Re: Off topic romans

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:05:16 +0000 (GMT)

> Jane, I don't make any judgement.

But you were. That's the problem.

> Care to share shaping a little more of it in whitewall? I am here to help as you are.

That's exactly what I'm doing: and dismissing 15 years of work by some creative people as irrelevant or in some way lesser, just because it doesn't match the possible intentions of some other people, is no way to go about it.

Have you created anything in Glorantha? Made it publically available? Then you're not a "fan", you're an author. Did other people pick it up and use it? Then you're a successful author.

For this to be a success, it has to be something that people will pick up and use. If they can't, it might as well not exist. That means it has to fit with what they're already using, whether that means tunnels from Boldhome to Whitewall, no matter how much we dislike them, or anything else.       

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