Re: Tunnels

From: Stuart Cogger <stuartcogger_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 18:11:36 -0000

Firstly, one of the defining characteristics of 'criminal gangs' is that they are very adept at spotting opportunities to make money and exploit markets/demand. So Whitewall seems a natural place for an enterprising gang to set up operations.

Secondly, Lanbril is able to offer very specific skills and abilities and so it strikes me as highly likely that both sides would wish to utilise these skills - I think of the French government's use of the Union Corse that was mentioned in The Day of The Jackal?

I also think about The Thieves' Arm, and about the Mafioso partisans in WW2. My own view is that Lanbrili are going to be at Whitewall, even if they are an opportunistic gang of interlopers. I know I can guilt my players into staying if the likes of the Lanbrili aren't going to bug out.

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