Re: Take part in the Battle of Whitewall

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_0H8WHV859j7mD_UEexO5uW08P8SomUxpZ6bFy02VtSUualvQGsa-GVm_VJFIz>
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 09:38:07 +0000 (GMT)

It's not as if the reason they're defending this place is that it's the last remaining Great Temple to Orlanth, or anything...

But, from the POV of what will really happen rather than what Broyan should expect to happen, it may be that the current Lunar HC are indeed a bunch of tactical idiots so as to provide dramatic contrast to what happens after Tatius takes over.

Still, what the Lunars have every right to expect is that there are only two responses to the Bat: a) run away
b) die

Sure, there *might* be other things happen (like that Dragon at Boldhome), but they're not likely. I'd expect them to pay more attention to other risks: like, if Broyan's army runs from the Bat, where will it end up, and how do we defend that?

>From the Orlanthi POV, it could be worth considering
how many of the defenders were at Boldhome in 1602 and know that the Bat *can* be defeated.

But, we had all this discussion back on the WW list ages ago, so I'd still suggest reading it rather than rehashing it all here.                                   

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